Clara Wieck-Schumann (1819–1896), who married Robert Schumann in 1840, was a fascinating artistic figure – both as a pianist and as a composer. While her legendary virtuosity has faded away for ever, her works still live. Clara already began composing when she was a child: her opus 1 (of a total of 23 opera) was published when she was a mere 11 years old. This volume contains a selection of some of her most valuable compositions for piano, including a very worthwhile, hitherto unpublished “Romance”.
This collection is intended to present a representative cross-section of the piano compositions of Clara Wieck-Schumann. Separate pieces gathered under a single opus number have been kept in their original context. The only exception to this rule is the six Soir?es musicales op. 6, of which only four have been included, among them nos. 2 and 5